reDESIGN Steps: Assesment, Collaboration, reDESIGNreDESIGN Steps: Assesment, Collaboration, reDESIGN


Let’s reDESIGN™
your packaging

Here is what our customers tell us:
The Circular Economy matters—to them and to consumers.

  • The market demands more responsible decisions when it comes to packaging as not only it has to perform well but also positively impact the environment.
  • One-size solutions may not fit all needs.

To honour our commitment to support future generations and circular economy needs, we offer high-performing products and the innovative service approach called reDESIGN™.

reDESIGN is all about customizing fit for use solutions that meet your specific requirements for packaging, labeling, graphic arts, and technical applications while being respectful of circular economy principles. Working together, we lead the switch from traditional structures and/or substrates to more sustainable and innovative alternatives without sacrificing one bit of quality and performance.

Ti  works closely with authorities, industry experts, and certification bodies throughout the entire reDESIGN process.

This dynamic, value-added approach ensures that we can offer the best range of high-performing, innovative solutions while remaining compliant to Circular Economy principles and respectful of our environment needs.

Partner with Taghleef to make a switch that can put your company at the forefront of a responsible business aligned with circular economy principles and the expectations of generations to come.

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