Scratch Resistant FilmsScratch Resistant Films

Scratch Resistant Laminating Films

Customers are increasingly demanding, so it is crucial to ensure that the packaging of exclusive products or the cover of the latest publishing success is free of any scratches or marks. Traditional films can show signs of scratches, heavier scuffing, and handling marks, especially when the print uses dark or black colors and tones.

High Performance Scratch Resistant Films by Taghleef Industries

Taghleef Industries’  range of transparent lamination films are developed to guarantee the best surface protection from scars, scuffs, fingerprints, and marks. Our films protect print from moisture and ink dispersion and give the surface a special finish, while also protecting against anything that would mar a product’s appearance.

Types of Scratch Resistant Films

Choose from a variety of finishes. Anti-Scratch laminating films come in matte and semi-matte finishes. Pro-Shield™ is ultra-resistant and available in matte and gloss finishes. Derprosa™ Sandy Matte adds a slightly rough tactile quality in a matte finish, while Derprosa™ Grid Matte features a mesh pattern in a matte finish.

Sustainable advances in scratch resistant films are just one example of our Dynamic Cycle™ approach to promoting a more circular economy by offering pioneering alternatives to traditional structures and/or substrates without sacrificing one bit of quality or performance. Manufactured with recycled polypropylene or biobased resins, Taghleef’s Derprosa™ solutions deliver the best range of high-performing, sustainable, and innovative packaging films on the market.

Scratch Resistant Films Supplier

Work with Ti to reDESIGN™ more sustainable packaging solutions customized to meet your specific requirements and showcase your product.

Main benefits of Scratch Resistant Films

surface protection


Finish options


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